Breakfast was a honey-daubed crumpet, toasted in a mucky toaster which lives in our walk-through pantry. And a to-go cup of iced coffee, which as usual was adulterated after leaving its Keurig cup with Splenda and half-and-half. I believe we keep half-and-half in these days, rather than milk, because milk gets purloined by non-coffee-drinking residents of our apartment, and would leave someone else's cereal milky but our coffee black.
On arriving at work, I bought and drank a diet Mtn Dew.
Lunch was taken at Uno's, and was a real belly-churner. We opted for the all-you-can-eat soup buffet, which bubbles lusciously beneath an insouciant sign saying "Soup's On." Ignoring this sensible advice, I ate considerably more than a soupçon despite J.'s best efforts to discourage my consumption. I took a total of two and two-thirds bowls of New England clam chowder and broccoli and cheddar soup, mixed in various proportions. Liberal use salt and pepper and of chowder crackers was reported. At least two refills on my diet cola. I also shared an order of avocado-filled egg rolls with a cashew dipping sauce. By share, I mean I ate half of the order, and then ate the evacuated wonton skins that were all that remained after my lunch companion gobbled the insides up for herself.
After work, while walking about doing errands, I ate half a sprinkled donut from Dunkin Donuts on Beacon Street, and an "oven-toasted" sandwich on wheat English muffin, filled with a mysteriously spongy disc of egg white and turkey sausage. A bottle of Coke Zero from the 7-11 in South Campus.
Later, buckling in the face of temptation, I bought a Mexican plate meal from Ana's Taqueria at the MIT student center, where I was meeting four fellows to discuss the Harvard Book Store Philosophy Café: al pastor, with pinto beans, a little schmear of sour cream, salsa fresca, steamed tortillas, and rice. And, wanting to accessorize appropriately, a large order of their horchata.
Before bed, a few generic, wheat, Ritz-style crackers. And half a glass of orange juice.
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