Friday, December 17, 2010

Back again with two quick meals

Breakfast: a packet of Hostess Twinkies given to me by a faculty member with more brains than appetite. Lunch, at 11:30: a slide of cheese pizza from T Anthony's, purloined from the faculty grading party going on in our conference room, washed down by a mugful of Sprite I found in the fridge. I will now have some water. There, that should neatly cancel out the calories from the soda. Right? Help.

I couldn't resume my blogging earlier? As last week, when I had a lovely meal with mah gal over at Grafton Street? Or earlier this week, at a birthday party in Allston held at a great Indian restaurant, or last month when one of the faculty shared leftovers from a Persian class dinner the night before -- khoresht e baamieh, oh la la. No. I had to restart with Junk Food Friday. 

A question for the day: in the long run, will the money I save by scavenging food and eating food gifts, by more than the money I have to pay to remedy all the health problems I develop from eating pizza and snack cakes regularly?

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