Sunday, June 7, 2009

A day no pigs would die.

A few spoonfuls of reheated chili, and a potato roll with marg, washed down with universal solvent, for breakfast. A handful of trail mix and more water mid-day. Shared a slice of carrot cake as well as some garlic naan with eggplant & spinach hummus, and more water. Half a frozen confection -- Crunch bar on a stick, oh yeah -- before the decision to stop at TGIFriday's, where I had paste-filled fish sticks, and french fries, instead of the fish and chips I ordered. Also two and a half diets and a half an over-dressed Caesar salad (she came to the table wearing a cocktail dress -- silly salad, it is a casual dining restaurant). Also some Smart Puffs and a Magner's at home. Also a few nibbles of Nora's leftover garlic bread (with garden-fresh oregano!).

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