I rose on sunbeams and had breakfast on the train: a sandwich of wheat supermarket bread, sliced deli-counter chicken breast (too old, I fear) and American cheese and tomato and mustard. This kept me going until noonish when I had lunch with the intern: a slice of wheat-dough pizza from the student union, dolloped with ricotta I think it was. And diet Dew. (And I thought, while we ate, about the time I ate a slice of pizza at My Brother's Place, gone now some years, in South Campus, sitting there in the window looking out on the street, and wondering whether the person who lived on the street there would make an appearance. I went home after eating, without having seen a soul I know. Is there anyone who waited in those days to see if I'd show up, or walk by, or stop in and invite myself to sit down so we could have a bite to eat together? I know I am vain in wishing so many times had turned out other than they did. I wish I were otherwise.)
The my brother-in-law (soon-to-be) and his bride made mussels fra diavlo for dinner, served over angel hair pasta. I had perhaps a dozen mussels, and a good serving and a half of pasta (which I myself would have taken less of, but the plate, it was served to me and beyond my power to control). Two slices of garlic-becloved Italian loaf with oleo. A can of diet Dew. Water.
Dessert was important to J, who'd had a bad day, so I made a bowl for each of us: a half-cup of chocolate chip cookie dough frozen yogurt (two small scoops), one-and-a-half Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies each, crushed, and a half a banana each.
Weigh-in: 258.6.
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