Thursday, March 21, 2013

Unexpected pie

Breakfast: Two packets of plain oatmeal, with water and a container of hazelnut-flavored creamed. Water.

Lunch: A six-inch wheat sandwich from Subway, with egg white, tomato, spinach, onions, and olives, and honey-mustard condiment. With diet Mountain Dew.

In the office, in an unguarded moment, a miniature Rolo candy and a miniature Milky Way. Later in the afternoon, four or five single-stick Kit-Kat candies.

On the way to the train station to go home for the evening, I felt without warning very nauseated. A return of the old symptoms, I feared. The thought occurred to me that the candy I'd just eaten may have not settled well; and also that I should have a McDonald's sandwich, chicken or burger, to settle my stomach. Then I thought, that's a bit of ridiculous nonsense, and I saved money and dignity by buying no snacks for the ride home. Good on me.

Dinner: A large serving of "sweet-and-sour" spaghetti consisting of: 1) pasta from Sunday evening's mussels dinner, minus the shellfish; and 2) a ragu of sauteed red onion, chopped meatloaf, sriracha sauce, ketchup, barbecue sauce, and low-fat source cream. On the side, leftover roasted cauliflower. I had my plate of food, and about a fifth of J's, and something like three slices of homemade bread with oleo. Two cans of diet Mountain Dew to drink.

Dessert was four peanut butter Girl Scout sandwich cookies (two servings' worth, I learn to my dismay). AND THEN there was a second dessert, brought about when J's mother returned home from her monthly book-club meeting with a fifth of a chocolate candy bar pie. She thought it would perk J up (she was in a funk; the job is showing its strain on her... ) and she knew that I seldom am unenthusiastic about sweets. (Though really I'm just playing to type; I'd be much happier if there was not a sweet in the house.)

So we ate that. Pie crust shell, with a creamy filling made, probably, with sour cream, cream cheese, sugar or syrup. There was peanut butter in it, and a chocolate shell on top, and fresh raspberries studding the chocolate. I thought of it as a Snickers pie. (Why did that girl in my AP Calculus class give me the nickname "Snickers"? I didn't eat candy then.)

I did not weigh myself, for shame. Phoo on me.

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